Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Univerisites; what is going on there?

The university is a strange beast. It always seems to me that it is a loose federation of badly run states looking to out argue each other about the merits of their interpretation of the constitution while their citizens just try and get by without incurring the wrath of the ruling classes. Its a bit if a stretch but not too much.
The key player in the university is the tenured lecturer. All the other elements, the careers office, the exams office, even the President, cluster around this cohort of active researchers and teachers. Yet they have little or no control over them except in the immediate sense, and for many years the tenured lecturer is doing all he or she can to avoid these people.
Is this a problem, well in my view it is the problem and the benefit of a university.
Because no-one is truly in charge of the important stuff, you end up doing what it is that you want to do. By doing that you create something unexpected, derive new knowledge. But it is a system reliant on trust and fellowship, which is where the problem exists. Fellowship is not strong in the university. Academics and admin staff are often at cross purposes and contact is limited and functional. To get the best out of a university you need to put someone in charge who doesn't want to control it all but wants to empower ALL the staff to work WITH each other. Let them define the goals. If you can do that. The university is a genuine international resource for any community, filled with drive and collective ambition to create for the people who pay for them. Fail to do that and you have failed the people who provide for the university in the first place. So lecturers of the world and university administrators, lets rip up the years of agendas and petty squabbles, now of all times we can little afford it. Let's just talk to each other about what we can do together and lets buy into each others dreams a little. Let our leadership skills lead each other and we can use of huge privilege of working in a university to make a college of the minds.

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